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CBM the Solution to Cleaner Air in Mongolia?

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Did you know that the air quality in Mongolia’s capital city Ulaanbaatar is reported as one of the most dangerous to man?

The city currently ranks 6th out of 100 on the World Air Quality Index (AQI), and #Mongolia overall ranks 20th out of 117 reported countries.

With average levels of harmful PM2.5 (particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less) of 62 μg/m3 measured in the capital, these levels significantly exceed those considered healthy for humans (which is said to be at or below 12 μg/m3).

Depending on the level, duration and type of PM2.5 exposure, people and animal life may experience anything from minor eye, nose or ear irritation, to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (or COPD), general worsening of health conditions, or even a significant reduction of life expectancy.

Mongolian child walking through heavy smog

Among the solutions to reduce harmful levels of P.M2.5 across Mongolia could be the use of cleaner fuel burning cars and trucks, and less reliance on coal, which is transported and used across Mongolia to fuel power plants and small stoves.

Coal Bed Methane (a.k.a. CBM), a clean burning fuel source, could play a major role in improving the country’s air quality and thus the lives of the Mongolian people.

With the government granting permits to a number of companies, (Jade, Elixir, TMK, Petrovis, some of which are ASX listed companies), and exploration of a number of their concessions well underway, it is hoped the country can wean itself off its coal dependence.

Although significant additional strides will have to be made, the government’s recognition of the issues at hand is sure to result in a cleaner Mongolia for both humans and the environment.

We at Excelsior Energy are continuing to work with the operating companies in Mongolia, and invest in the future of the country.

For more on the human impact of air pollution in Mongolia, refer to UNICEF's article "Environment & Air Pollution" using link

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